Hearing Loss Specialist

Steven D. Kushnick, MD
ENT located in Brooklyn, NY
Hearing loss affects people of all ages and may develop from any number of causes. Steven D. Kushnick, MD, is an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist in the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. He uses advanced tools and techniques to evaluate and treat hearing loss in children and adults. To schedule an appointment for your hearing loss, call the office or use the online booking tool today.
Hearing Loss Q & A
What is hearing loss?
Hearing loss is the inability to hear sounds clearly or at all. A blockage of sound waves through one or more of the three areas of the ear causes hearing loss.
The types of hearing loss include:
- Conductive (involving the outer or middle ear)
- Sensorineural (involving the inner ear)
- Mixed (both conductive and sensorineural)
You may develop hearing loss suddenly or gradually, and the loss may be temporary or permanent.
What causes hearing loss?
Aging and exposure to loud noises are the most common causes of hearing loss. Other causes of hearing loss include:
- The buildup of earwax or fluid
- Ear infection
- Trauma
- Growth in the ear canal
- Congenital disabilities
- Benign or malignant tumors
- Damage to the cochlea, vestibular labyrinth, or acoustic nerve
- Meniere’s disease
- Vestibular migraines
- Genetics
Many causes of hearing loss are treatable or preventable. Dr. Kushnick can find the root cause of your hearing loss and provide the treatment you need to improve your hearing and quality of life.
If you have sudden or prolonged hearing loss with dizziness, fever, or pain, Dr. Kushnick recommends you contact the office and schedule an evaluation right away.
What happens during a hearing loss evaluation?
When you visit Dr. Kushnick for a hearing loss evaluation, he conducts an in-depth exam to find the root cause of your hearing problem. During your assessment, he reviews your symptoms and when they started, and any conditions that may have triggered your hearing loss.
Dr. Kushnick conducts a physical exam, paying close attention to the structure and function of your ears, nose, and throat. He also conducts diagnostic tests to confirm or rule out potential causes of your hearing loss.
Additionally, Dr. Kushnick performs hearing tests to measure the degree of your hearing loss. The degree of hearing loss — mild, moderate, severe, or profound — helps him determine the best treatment.
How is hearing loss treated?
Treatment for your hearing loss depends on the location, type, and degree of your hearing loss. Hearing loss treatments may include:
- Antibiotics, decongestants, or pain medication
- Myringotomy (piercing of the eardrum to drain fluids)
- Placement of ear tubes
- Hearing aids
- Surgery to remove tumors or correct bone or nerve problems
Delaying treatment for your hearing loss may lead to permanent damage.
If you have sudden or prolonged hearing loss, call the office of Steven D. Kushnick, MD, or book an appointment online today.